Gongues Constructions was founded on 15th November 1999 by Aladino Domingues, Carlos Goncalves and Herculano Goncalves. Working from an office in Lambton the company began to take on projects from Energy Australia and Transgrid, by completing these projects on time and budget the company quickly grew taking on larger and larger contracts like the Rainbow Flats Pacific Highway Crossing for Hunter Road Services in late 2004.
Spurred on by projects like this Gongues Constructions were pushing forward in project Safety, Quality and Environmental Protection it was efforts in these departments that allowed Gongues to become the preferred contractor by our clients for these types of works.
In early 2005 one of our projects was for Hunter Water to upgrade the Pump Station at Tallean Road, Nelson Bay. This job was a step forward for Gongues as it let us take our Electrical and Mechanical experience to the next level.
New pumpstation during commissioning.
Pumps and hydraulic systems in operation.
2006 saw us begin, among other projects, the New Argenton Sub-Transmission Substation this project at approx $14 000 000 makes it Gongues Constructions largest to date. During this project our project management team managed a complex site with a large number of subcontractors. It was with this project that the company was able to show that our small business level of service and quality could scale to large, demanding projects.
The completed substation as well as the bridge we constructed for a separate contract the year before.
In 2007 one major project we took on was the Upgrade to the Inlet Works at the Edgeworth Waste Water Treatment Works. This project took advantage of our mixed skill set encompassing Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Control components to form an elaborate project. Our Project Management and Construction teams showed that they are capable of constructing complex systems that meet the desired outcome.
Edgeworth inlet works first night in operation.
Gongues Constructions head office at Cameron Park, Newcastle.
By 2008 Gongues had outgrown our offices in Lambton so we moved into our newly completed offices at Cameron Park.
The upgrade of the Waste Water Treatment Works at Raymond Terrace started for us in early 2009, this project mixes our skills with large structures with our ability to install mechanical equipment.
Commissioning of mechanical equipment in the clarifier at Raymond Terrace WWTW
Gongues Constructions while building on our previous experience are always looking to the future for new products and methods that can allow us to improve our outstanding safety, environmental and quality assurance records.